
Pray for you

Our beloved principal sometime is very changeable just like Jim Moriarty in TV series of Sherlock Holmes. I think he is a people who do things by following his own feelings and emotions.

Just today, in the morning, during recess time, the president of 24 Festive Drum Club informed me that there will be a performance at 3pm tomorrow. It’s too sudden for all of us as not every drummer is very free until can being called for performance at any time. Anyway, I nodded my head to agree for the performance.

He felt ridiculous too, because principal just told him about the performance in this morning. He forced to skip classes to find more drummers so that the performance no needs to be cancelled  He found some drummers, finally, yes, in last minute. Some of us decided to stay back after school for training, so that we can prevent too much mistake during performance, practice makes perfect.

I phoned my mom about this. She agreed and not very sure that whether should fetch me after the practice or not as I will attend a tuition class at night. Okay, everything is settled.

However, we put our bags in the room for 24 Festive Drum Club, president came to find us and told us one terrible news. He said just now he went to find principal to get more details about the performance tomorrow, our beloved principal told him that he cancelled our performance tomorrow. So, was him just making a big joke to all of us?

Never mind, I phoned my mom again and said that the training was cancelled  President said that our principal is getting annoying. At first, he informed him about a performance before one month of the performance date, and then he informed him about another performance one week before the performance date. How about now? Informing him just before one day. We joked about this, maybe once day he called president and ask him to present a performance after one hour.

Sometime, you can’t blame them for such incident that happened to us. Maybe they were too busy with their own works and forgot what they had told us. So, I pray for him, principal, please having a better memory, don’t just better than a gold fish.

2 条评论:

  1. What a pity guy has to skip class for that!!! =[

    1. and your comment had been seen by the "pity guy", haha~~
